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Thursday Run at Deep River Brewing Co.

Our Thursday runners meet at Deep River around 6:15pm before stepping off at 6:30pm. When you arrive, just look for the runners who will be standing around and stretching. We're easy to identify by our running shoes, shorts or reflective gear.  You'll be greeted with a smile and someone will ask about how far you'd like to go and what pace. Just remember, there is no such thing as "Slow", we all go our own pace!


Who you'll meet.

Our Thursday run from Deep River has been going for 10yrs strong. It is our longest on-going club event and is the most attended! You'll meet runners and walkers of all paces and distances. 

Are you showing up for the first time and not sure who to approach? Simply let any runner know it's your first time out and you'll be greeted with smile!

All it takes to be a part of CAR is to show up, then keep showing up. The more you show up, the more names you'll know and faces you'll recognize. You'll soon have the route memorized and will most likely make a few more friends!


How does this work?

We meet up around 6:15pm and start figuring out who is going what distance at what pace. Many times there are are 2 or 3 people of similar ability who will run with you if you'd like. If you like to run solo, just let us know. 

At 6:30pm we take a group picture to let our community know we're out here and for safety. After the picture we walk up to the sidewalk and then commence into running our distance.

After the run, everyone is invited to stick around for our very informal social that usually includes some food and a drink. There is never any pressure to drink alcohol and if you need to run and go home, that's ok! We're just happy you put in some miles.

The Routes

The "usual" route from Deep River is a 5-mile loop route that takes you through Downtown Neighborhoods and the shopping district. 

There are two 5K options as well. The first option follows the exact route as the 5miler but turns onto Main St. at the Flower Shop and heads back to Deep River.

The second option is flatter and follows Main St.


Please be a good neighbor and allow traffic to pass! It is not uncommon for there to be 50+ runners at our Thursday run.  

This route is fairly simple as it follows the sidewalks all the way out. Simply turn around when you hit your halfway point and return back to the start when you're ready. 

Deep River Route.jpeg
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